Style Closet 101 Guide


In this 12 page guide “Style Closet 101” you will receive Lacey’s go-to starter tips on

1.  How to start a style closet.

2. Where to source your items

3. Selling once you’re done using them… and more.  Learn a sustainable business model to add a client closet within your photography business.

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In this 12 page guide “Style Closet 101” you will receive Lacey’s go-to starter tips on

1.  How to start a style closet.

2. Where to source your items

3. Selling once you’re done using them… and more.  Learn a sustainable business model to add a client closet within your photography business.

In this 12 page guide “Style Closet 101” you will receive Lacey’s go-to starter tips on

1.  How to start a style closet.

2. Where to source your items

3. Selling once you’re done using them… and more.  Learn a sustainable business model to add a client closet within your photography business.

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